< Heart Disease – virimila

Heart Disease

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This award-winning text has been completely updated, providing excellent multimedia reference for every aspect of this rapidly changing field, including new material on almost every topic in cardiology.

Dr. Braunwald's unique update program creates a "live tutorial" featuring weekly breaking news from the press, periodic late-stage clinical trials (including links to author presentation slides), and monthly targeted reviews.
More than a dozen new chapters are devoted to chronic lung diseases and cardiovascular diseases; Transcatheter treatment of congenital heart defects; approach to the patient with valvular heart disease; obesity and cardiometabolic diseases; environmental effects and CVD; approach to the patient with cardiac arrhythmias; Cardioncology, precision medicine, and many others.
New information about clinical cardiovascular genetics; Mr-PET; Mr device compatibility; fibrosis; image fusion; Oct; IVUS; approaches to excluding left atrial appendages and other topics.