< Useful products for hypertension – virimila
Useful products for hypertension

Useful products for hypertension

The development of hypertension is directly related to overweight. There is a clear relationship between the intake of certain substances in the body and the level of blood pressure.
Foods that contain a lot of table salt( sodium), alcoholic beverages themselves increase blood pressure. Foods rich in fat, sweets and flour contribute to the appearance of excess body weight, and this is already a proven risk factor for developing not only hypertension, but also other serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and others.
Among my patients, at least 60% are obese and another 20% are overweight. But even in cases where the weight does not increase, compliance with only one dietary recommendation allows you to normalize blood pressure and reduce the dosage of medications, and sometimes cancel the medication part of therapy.
The food should be full and contain a sufficient amount of protein( in the absence of kidney failure), fat and carbohydrates.
Choose low-fat types of meat .well, if it is Turkey, chickens( without skin), veal, game, rabbit, young lamb.
Any fish without skin is useful. Preference is given to marine and oceanic deep-sea fish, the use of which reduces the risk of vascular complications. It is especially recommended to eat fish if hypertension is combined with coronary heart disease. Useful seafood ( oysters, scallops).
sources of vegetable protein - legumes, nuts, potatoes, cereals. It is recommended to combine products containing animal and vegetable protein in a ratio of 1: 2.
As for fats, we are talking, first of all, about vegetable fats and, of course, in small quantities. Sunflower, olive, corn, cottonseed, and rapeseed oils are useful. For cooking, you can use "soft"( not hydrogenated) varieties of margarine that contain a lot of mono - or polyunsaturated fats. If you are preparing meat soup, it is recommended to cool it and remove the hardened crust of fat with a spoon, otherwise it will find a place on the walls of your blood vessels!
Carbohydrates are, first of all, vegetable products, very useful bread from wholegrain bread, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, cereals of various cereals, pasta from whole grains, rice( and not only for hypertensive patients!).
Increase the amount of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in your daily diet! It is the main source of healthy fiber, vitamins and minerals. Some vitamins( C, E) and pigments( flavonoids) are natural antioxidants. They counteract the process of oxidation of "bad" cholesterol in the vascular wall and, in addition, reduce the risk of developing certain types of tumors.
Apricots( and dried apricots), raisins, and apples are rich in lipotropic substances, potassium, and magnesium. Everything fresh, frozen, dried, canned( without sugar!) Fruits and vegetables are useful. Boiled vegetables are good in salads, vinaigrettes, soups, side dishes and other dishes.
From desserts it is quite possible to afford jelly, fruit ice cream, puddings on "skimmed" milk, fruit salads. From confectionery products, it can be Turkish delight, nougat, caramel candies.
Choose non-strong tea, filtered or instant coffee, and low-calorie soft drinks.
As for alcoholic beverages, it is considered that a small amount of good dry red wine is useful. Studies have shown that drinking red wine reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease (the"French paradox"), but this effect has not been observed in relation to blood pressure. On the contrary, the Association between arterial hypertension and daily alcohol intake in the amount of more than 24 g of conditional( pure) alcohol was convincingly proved.