< The most useful properties of cheese – virimila
The most useful properties of cheese

The most useful properties of cheese

Cheese is one of the most popular, healthy and delicious dairy products. Whatever it is – hard, soft, curd, processed or with additives – its benefits are huge.

What is the use of cheese

1. In cheese contains all the vitamins of milk, from which it is prepared. It also contains up to 22% protein, up to 30% fat, and mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus.
2. The Protein contained in cheese is the most useful, since the amino acid content is similar to the proteins of our body.
3. Cheese has gums that are involved in the proper metabolism of fat and the digestion. This product is almost completely and quickly absorbed by our body.
4. Cheese is rich in mineral salts associated with protein. That is why it is useful for children, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women.
General useful properties:
· increased immunity;
· improved metabolism;
· strengthen muscles and bones;
· normalization of pressure;
· improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system;
· rejuvenation;
· help with stress relief.

Kind of cheese
On the shelves of the store a huge number of cheeses, you can just get confused, which is the most useful. Let's try to understand:

Suluguni. It stimulates the intestines and improves appetite.

Adyghe. It is made from sheep's milk. It contains a huge amount of vitamins. But remember that it can only be stored for a month after manufacture and is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance.

Curd. It is the safest for the human body and you can eat it every day. Curd cheeses saturate the body with calcium and do not create stomach discomfort. They are recommended for young children and those who are on diets.

Feta. It contains many antibiotics that protect the body from substances that negatively affect the body.

Parmesan. This delicious cheese contains almost no cholesterol and is good for everyone. If properly prepared, it can be stored for 10 years.
Cream. Here it is important to pay attention that it does not contain food and chemical additives, only then can we talk about the benefits. Natural processed cheese contains B vitamins, casein, calcium and phosphorus.
With mold. Brie and Dor blue are known for their bactericidal qualities and are incredibly beneficial for digestion. Mold helps synthesize vitamin B and helps the bowel function.