< Benefits and harms of raspberry jam – virimila
Benefits and harms of raspberry jam

Benefits and harms of raspberry jam

Jam is one of the most traditional treats in our region. And raspberry jam always has a special status. It is not just sweet and flavorful to the taste, but has always been considered a product that can be treated. There is no doubt that the benefits and harms of raspberry jam is now a thoroughly studied issue. What is useful raspberry jam?
Composition and calorie content of raspberry jam
The properties of raspberry jam with a cold appear immediately. After all, it contains a lot of essential oils, acetylsalicylic acid and a whole complex of vitamins. Essential oils help the body cope with stressful situations, that is, they are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system. And acetylsalicylic acid is responsible for immunity. The vitamin and mineral complex is responsible for brain function, hormone production, and also participates in metabolic processes.
Benefits and harms of raspberry jam for the body
Anyone from early childhood knows that the benefits of raspberry jam in its ability to lower body temperature and help with colds. Although of course, the real effect in such diseases will have jam, so-called cold cooking. Raspberries have an antipyretic effect due to the content of acetylsalicylic acid, the so-called natural aspirin.
Along with the benefits of raspberry jam, it can also harm the body. It is not recommended to use it for diabetes.
The jam also contains substances similar in composition to acetylsalicylic acid. In this regard, the use of raspberry jam in the ability not only to bring down the temperature, but also to dilute the blood. This is extremely important to exclude the risk of stroke with increased clotting.
The incomparable and unique smell of this jam is given by the phytoncides present in the raspberries from which it is prepared. These substances are recognized as natural antibiotics. Therefore, the benefit of raspberry jam is its antimicrobial effect. In addition, they are also good antioxidants that speed up the metabolism in the human body.
Due to the properties of the berry itself, raspberry jam contains and retains a significant amount of ellagic acid. Therefore, the use of raspberry jam is that it contains substances that prevent the division of cancer cells. This substance neutralizes the carcinogens formed during frying of the products.
Along with the benefits of raspberry jam, it can also harm the body. It is not recommended to use it for diabetes, gastritis and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
The berry itself, from which the jam is prepared, includes a large number of different biologically active substances. In the most severe cases, there may be anaphylactic shock. Allergies can occur in the form of a runny nose, redness of the skin, or a skin rash. The same consequences can occur with quite healthy people from abuse of this delicacy.
However, despite all possible warnings, this jam is unlikely to stop being popular. This once again emphasizes the need for moderation and reasonable consumption, so that the maximum benefit is obtained and the harm of raspberry jam is completely excluded.
Useful properties of raspberry jam for the human body
Raspberries can lower blood pressure thanks to the same aspirin and ascorbic acid. As well as vitamin A and C have a positive effect on blood pressure and are responsible for the level of harmful cholesterol.
it has the ability to dilute blood and is a preventive measure against heart attack;
removes toxins from the body;
it will be useful for intestinal disorders;
ellagenic acid present in raspberries prevents the formation of cancer;
helps with arthritis and rheumatism;
reduces puffiness;
prolongs the youthfulness of the skin.
The benefits of raspberry jam for the heart in the content of berries vitamin and mineral complex of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B. B Vitamins are responsible for the proper functioning of the brain and memory.
Benefits and harms of raspberry jam for men
The benefits of raspberry jam for men in improving the activity of spermatozoa and increasing their ability to fertilize. Vitamin C makes them active and prevents them from dying. Zinc increases libido and improves sperm quality. Tea with raspberry jam is good for a man's potency.
Benefits and harms of raspberry jam for women's health
raspberry jam for women
Raspberries help to preserve women's beauty and health at any age. This provides vitamin E. thanks to it, the skin becomes smooth and hydrated. Tocopherol is responsible for beautiful shiny hair.
Thanks to raspberries, a woman's hormonal background is stabilized, and a stable, painless menstrual cycle is established. In addition, it stabilizes the normal psychological state these days. And folic acid is important for women who are planning a pregnancy.
Raspberry jam during pregnancy
The benefit is that it has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother during pregnancy.
In the early stages, it helps to get rid of toxicosis.
Helps fight constipation.
The use of berries has a positive effect on the elasticity of the vaginal walls, which makes the delivery process more comfortable.
In addition, the future mother during pregnancy can not get sick with colds.This is where raspberry jam comes to the rescue when a pregnant woman is ill.
Can children have raspberry jam
Children are recommended to give raspberry jam no earlier than 3 years. In some cases,a spoon instead of medicine for children aged 1-1. 5 years will not hurt. Babies should not be given a treat at all, so as not to provoke an Allergy. Older children can be served for dessert with pancakes, cheesecakes, and ice cream. The main thing is to observe the measure and brush your teeth on time. Because sweet jam can cause tooth decay.
For children, home-made jam is more useful than factory-made jam. Because it often contains starch, thickeners, stabilizers, and other food additives.
Raspberry jam benefits and harms for colds and flu
raspberry jam at a temperature of
Is it possible to make raspberry jam at a temperature of? Raspberries contain salicylic acid, which helps reduce body temperature by providing a diaphoretic effect. Raspberry jam for flu is not only an antipyretic, but also a restorative. Drink raspberry jam for a cold at night, and then cover yourself with a warm blanket. With sweat, toxins are released, and the high temperature will subside.
How to preserve the useful properties of raspberries when harvesting
Raspberries are perishable and can be stored fresh in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Therefore, it is advisable to store it in the form of blanks. At the same time, they try to preserve the useful properties of the berry as much as possible. This can be fruit drinks, compotes, jam, raspberries in sugar, dried or frozen.
Whether or not to wash raspberries before harvesting? This is a moot point. Therefore, many Housewives prefer to collect raspberries themselves in proven places.
Can raspberry jam be used for weight loss
Obviously, to lose weight, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates. However, if you control your daily intake correctly, the jam will not harm the figure at all, but even Vice versa.
improves metabolism;
dietary fiber acts as adsorbents;
makes up for the lack of vitamins;
improves the production of bile.
Frozen raspberry jam
the benefits of raspberry jam
This jam recipe is very simple.This method allows you to save the maximum of useful substances in the berry. The jam is very thick and will not be covered with mold in winter.
Frozen raspberries – 600g
Granulated sugar-800g.
Cover the raspberries with half the sugar and wait for the juice to come out. Then put on the stove to cook. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then turn off the stove and let the jam cool to room temperature. Leave for 8-10 hours without closing the lid. Then bring to the boil again and add the remaining sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour into prepared jars and roll up for the winter. Remove to a cool, dark place.
Raspberry jam recipes
raspberry jam for the human body
Every housewife has her own recipe, because the benefits of raspberry jam are obvious. Here are the three main ways:
Without cooking
This jam is stored for no more than a month. This recipe is easy to prepare: take 1 kg of sugar and 1 kg of raspberries, grind them with a blender and put them in prepared jars. Keep this jam should always be in the refrigerator.
Five minutes
Combine raspberries and sugar in a 1:1 ratio and mix gently, then put on the stove and bring to a boil with constant stirring. Boil for 5 minutes and then remove from the stove to cool. Repeat two more times, then pour into jars. This jam is suitable for storage for the winter.
Cover the raspberries with sugar and put them on the stove. Bring to a boil, and cook for 40 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Readiness can be checked drop by drop. If it drains from the spoon, the jam is ready.